The MVHS Band Program is under the direction of Jason Rose. With a band enrollment that averages 150-200 students, the program now includes the marching band, three concert bands, two jazz bands, a percussion ensemble and several instrumental chamber ensembles.
The Band Program at Mount Vernon strives to maintain a balanced program in all facets of music education, including the development of the individual musician. Over the years, the Mount Vernon Band program has consistently produced excellent musicians who are in demand by colleges and universities throughout the Northwest and many parts of the country.
The tradition of excellence held by the MVHS Band program is developed through the hard work and dedication of current students, past members, our private instructors and directors and is proud to represent our school and community.​​​

Concert Band a non-auditioned ensemble with emphasis on building technique and developing musical skills. Quality of sound, rhythmic precision, scale facility, and musicality will be studies. Throughout the year, the group performs various concerts featuring traditional band literature such as marches, overtures, suites, contest selections, novelty selections and other assorted concert music.

Symphonic Band is an auditioned ensemble where students will be engaged in learning a variety of intermediate and advanced music literature. Students are responsible for practicing music at home, being prepared to perform the music to the best of their ability in class, and maintaining a properly working quality instrument. The Symphonic Band plays a variety of musical styles and performs several times throughout the year, including 3 home concerts, and the District Large Group Band Contest. Members will perform with Marching Band and Pep Band during the year.

Percussion ensemble at MVHS prepares their parts in each instrumental ensemble piece as well as additional pieces they perform on their own. Students who participate in this ensemble learn the difficult intricacies of rhythm as well as the variety of techniques across the vast amount of percussion instruments.

This is the premier wind band at Mount Vernon High School. Sensitivity to outstanding musicianship, historical styles, and appropriate performance practices is required. In addition to the highest expectations as an instrumentalist, your ability to apply intellect and spirit in meaningful ways during rehearsals and concerts is also demanded. Membership in the Wind Ensemble is open to any student of any grade who qualifies through audition. Private instruction is highly recommended. Members will perform with the Marching Band and Pep Band during the year.

This ensemble is our auditioned Jazz group at MVHS. These students prepare more difficult jazz tunes ranging from many styles and genres. These students become more invested in the culture surrounding jazz which adds to their stellar performances.

Jazz II is the non-auditioned Jazz ensemble. These students come from a range of experience levels. This class focuses on the fundamental elements of jazz music as well as educates students on the history and development of Jazz along the way.

Our marching band participates in several parades during the school year, including traveling to Leavenworth to compete in the Autumn Leaf Festival. With our distinguished uniforms, the MVHS marching band makes a mark in our community.

This ensemble plays at select MVHS Football and Basketball games as well as Assemblies during the school year. Students have a blast hyping up our student body while playing popular tunes and making friends with their fellow band mates.